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Posted on 26th February, 2021

Hello beautiful souls!

Many of us have lived for aeons completely disconnected from the natural flow of life, living a life instead that disempowers and stifles our soul. As the great awakening takes place, more and more souls are becoming connected with the Universe again and finding they are supported on their journey through a multitude of signs and synchronicities.

For many, each day unfolds and concludes with drama and stories to tell, if not to others, then to ourselves. Stories of what did or didn’t happen, stories of what we perceive to be our reality and ideals of what should happen to fix it. We could all possibly be highly successful authors with the detailed tales we weave! Many of us will be familiar with the experience of our vibrational energy lowering as we re-enact our stories, but how do we get out of this cycle?

What if we could let go of that drama and those stories? What if we could lose the attachment to fixing ourselves and others, but rather live each day in the flow of Divine Consciousness?

In my experience, getting out of the ‘mind’ and dropping down into the heart can be the perfect place to start and I will muse more of this later...



"Through our breath we find the path from our minds to our hearts. In our hearts we find the silent, peaceful, calm in which all love exists."