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Yellow Bwackhoe Tree

This tree is fantastic for giving you more physical energy and personal power in your life. You can feel full of confidence and want to play if you sit under it. Some of the Elves are convinced that it makes their jokes a lot funnier when they have spent time under this tree, but the Fairies don’t agree. They don’t think the Elves jokes are ever that funny! It makes you feel that you can meet any challenge when you sit under this tree and you get the most wonderful feelings of balance and inner harmony with your emotions. Quite often, the teachers of the Magic Wood will send a pupil to sit underneath it if they don’t keep their promises!

You can be so much more aware of what is going on around you and when the wind blows around the Yellow Bwackhoe tree, if you listen carefully, you can hear a single musical note of E. Mawn absoloutely loves it and can often be found leaning up against its twirly trunk and his friends say that he seems transformed when he walks away! If anyone is feeling emotionally distressed, the Witches and Wizards will often give them special crystals such as Citrine, Amber, Malachite, Yellow Sapphire and Topaz to hold. These beautiful, natural stones can help to balance that area just above the belly button and this can have a good effect on the adrenal glands and lungs. 

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Yellow Bwackhoe Tree