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Blue Bwackhoe Tree

Well, if you sit under this tree and focus carefully, you will find it so much easier to communicate with people. You will feel so relaxed inside, as your nervous system gets a good dose of peace! This shade of blue touches your very soul when you lay back and look up – it even affects the grass that grows around it and people stand in wonder and awe at the beautiful blue carpet that surrounds it. Now Groolibee is so fond of the Blue Bwackhoe trees, she sends all the Pixies, Fairies and Elves there if they tend to be a little too chatty, find trouble speaking with confidence, or just want be able to express themselves honestly.

She also found out quite by accident that anyone who sat under the tree with tonsillitis or asthma, felt much better when they got up. It is said that if you listen very carefully, you can hear a single musical note of G and any Pixies who struggle with their music lessons, do really well if they practice here, as their timing and rhythm improve very quickly. Sitting under this beautiful tree when anyone is journaling or has inspiration for writing can help greatly and it goes without saying that wearing something blue can help the thyroid gland and bring great relaxation. 

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Blue Bwackhoe Tree