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Silver Star Bwackhoe Tree

The Silver Star Bwackhoe Tree cannot actually be seen with the two eyes that we are used to, although it is said to be a glowing silver in colour. It is thought that it remains hidden because the understanding you gain from it doesn't come from the part of the mind where we think. It is very very tall, even higher even than the Violet Bwackhoe Tree and quite often Torreth and Groolibee will share messages of love and connection that they have received when meditating underneath. (There are other trees in The Magic Wood that grow even higher believe it or not!)

Some of the older Elves, Pixies and Fairies can be quite impatient and have been seen searching the Magic Wood and Grazzlethorne in search of it. Even Muzz was said to be looking for it once in the Cragbodells! Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to work, so you need to be patient to experience the benefits of this majestic tree. You will only find it when you are meant to.

Torreth explained to Wigan that practising her meditations and breathing holding her special Selenite crystal would certainly help her to dial in to the energy of the tree, but he was very firm when he said, “The tree will know when you are ready, so try not to be disappointed if you don’t see it straight away.” When you feel completely at ease under the all the coloured trees could be a good time to take a walk in the Magic Wood and just keep your heart and mind open!

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Silver Star Bwackhoe Tree