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Dear Ollie is the Witch’s cauldron who just cannot get it right! No matter how many spells the Witches of the Cragbodells try to cast in him, he always gets it terribly wrong so the spells that are meant to upset others, actually have the opposite effect! The challenge Ollie faces is that he is constantly being told to do things that deep down just don’t feel right to him. Because he has been told he is useless so many times, he begins to believe it and tries even harder to please everyone! We can all do this at times and Ollie is no different. If you have ever done something to please someone that just simply doesn’t feel right or causes you to get tight inside, you will understand how Ollie feels.


Although Ollie is owned by the Witches of the Cragbodells, he has a deep affection for Wigan, who he thinks is incredibly kind and wise. The gentle way she is with others and the thought she puts into her words really touch his heart and he secretly wishes that she was his owner. Oh to be able to be given all these wonderful spells that make peoples lives better instead of worse makes Ollie smile from the inside out. He doesn’t realise yet that his soul is speaking to him and showing him which path to take. He is the very best of friends with Theepak, who wants him to leave the Cragbodells and go to live in the Magic Wood, but poor Ollie doesn’t have the confidence yet to take that step.

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