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Hazz is always prepared to go that one step further to get her own way! She is very talkative and enjoys the lower vibrations of the Cragbodells. Her speech reflects this as she often speaks of people in an unkind way. If she finds out someone is feeling a little low, she does everything she can to make them feel worse – not very nice at all! Poor Hazz gets herself into some real scrapes and proves that we can experience things depending on our thoughts and our daily actions. Hazz always wears green because it makes her feel closer to the trees. When she looks at them she feels very peaceful inside and she worries deeply about how many are being cut down in the world.

The challenge she faces is not having the confidence to disagree with Gwanfwee when he hits them with his stick. She really believes it must hurt them and after all, they can’t run away and hide, but she is so worried that he might banish her from the Cragbodells if she were to speak up. Instead she laughs and praises him, but it doesn’t make her feel good inside. Hazz’s heart is telling her to work for the safety of the trees, but her head is telling her it isn’t a good idea! What do you think she should do?

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