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Gwanfwee the Goblin

Gwanfwee the Goblin is determined to steal Wigan's spell book in the belief that he can rule as King and become wealthy. Gwanfwee can sometimes display a greedy, manipulative nature and does not appear to care about the effects of his actions on others. He hasn't learnt yet that bullying is not the way to achieve his goal. He is small in size, a little overweight and keeps his magic red scarf tied tightly round his wrist. His scarf is his power, but he hasn't really got the hang of it. He doesn’t realize that as long as he ‘wants’ something and sends out energy to the Universe that he wants it, he will always be wanting!

He believes he has power over the Zanskee rocks that live in the Cragbodells, the Magic Wood and Grazzlethorn and often instructs them to do naughty things. Little does he realize they do naughty things all the time anyway. He really dislikes green Bwackhoe trees, because they send out such positive vibrations of love and affection, so he either insults them or hits them with sticks when he walks past. He doesn’t want any of these love filled trees in the Cragbodells. He is the polar opposite of Wigan and her constant message to him that love and compassion are the way and his low vibration will only attract low vibrations. Poor Gwanfwee is really on a learning journey and he doesn't recognise yet that in every shadow is a gift - including within himself! Dear Gwanfwee.

Gwanfwee the Goblin