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Groolibee is the oldest witch in Grazzlethorn. She is 500 years old and still counting! Groolibee is Wigan’s mother and is married Torreth, a Wizard who works hard to protect and balance the ancient standing stones close to his home. She is such a wise and kind Witch, but is constantly taunted by the Witches of the Cragbodells because she is not thought to be pretty enough. Groolibee is wise enough to know that whilst beauty would be nice, it is what is inside that is really important. She is very good at manifesting things and realizes that when something happens that doesn't feel very nice, it often means she has something to learn, but also that something new and good will come from the experience. She also realizes that the others have to learn things for themselves, so when the little creatures of the Cragbodells ask her to make Gwanfwee leave, she refuses because she wants him to recognize his own journey and change of his own free will.

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